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Ruth Anne Wood is the director of Scripting for Success, a goal setting and achievement training and inspirational production company. Her company specializes in group projects and multimedia conversation preserved in digital and hard copy film, audio recordings, membership sites and books.

In late 2009, Ruth was inspired by Barack Obama's Nobel Peace nomination which stirred up many questions about her relationship to the word "peace". Ruth's query inspired the feedback and support of an Emmy award winning film maker, two time Oprah guest, best selling authors, award winning journalists, a national charity's project endorsement and a community of holistic service providers.

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6 Positive Intentions For Getting What You Want

Energize your imagination to get more of what you want. Be as specific as you can with how it feels, tastes, sounds, smells, to live your dream now. Write your dream down in words that makes you feel good when you read it and read it daily. Make your dream a priority by setting up systems of accountability to get what you want. Set up a mastermind group, hire a coach, dedicate time every day to focus on your dream daily, offer to help people who have achieved your dream. Set specific parameters for your dream so you become a filter for…

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